Saturday, January 26, 2008

Selective Coloring

By Alison:  Baby Campbell looks cute with her headband flower in color.

by Ann: Brides like a B&W picture with the bridal bouquet in color.

  • Open the image in Photoshop Elements.
  • In the layers palette, right-click on the image and select Duplicate Layer (or Ctrl+J). An identical layer will appear on top of your original image.
  • Click on the duplicate layer. Then go to Enhance and click on Convert to Black and White (or Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+B). You may want to adjust the channel settings, which determine the tones of your image using the buttons that appear in the dialog box. You may also want to change the style settings.
  • Once you’ve created your black-and-white layer on top of your color layer, you can begin to reveal the colors you want to show through by using the eraser tool.
  • Click on the eraser tool. I chose a medium soft brush and set the pixel size to about 40.
  • Remember you can change the size of the eraser as you work with the bracket keys...they are located right next to the letter "P" on your keyboard.
You may have to refer to your color image to remember where certain details are, so just click on the eyeball icon next to the black-and-white image if you need to.

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